Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pancake Creek

On 21 August we left Bundaberg for Seventeen Seventy but upon arrival found out our keel is too deep and we couldn’t get into Round Hill Creek even on a high tide so we anchored outside the creek in Bustard Bay for the evening and on the morning of 22 August headed further north to Pancake Creek.
Wow.  Pancake Creek is a beautiful spot.  Pancake Creek is only accessible by sea or  small aircraft landing on Aircraft Beach.
We did the 7km round trip walk past Aircraft Beach, Bustard Head lighthouse and caretakers cottage which was restored by Shirley Buchanan (wife of former lighthouse keeper, Stuart Buchanan) after it was vandalised and virtually demolished in 1995, then on to Jenny Lind Creek lookout.  Besides the midges it was truly beautiful.
Light aircraft taking off from Aircraft Beach 
after dropping off a couple of campers
Bustard Head Lighthouse
Jenny Lind Creek
During low tide at Pancake Creek a huge sandbar is uncovered completely.   This morning we took the dinghy out the sandbar to go for a walk.  It was quite a treasure trove of marine life out there….
huge sandbar


A sea snail... it's hard to tell just how big it is but I could've worn the shell as a hat!


Solider Crabs

Odd man out
lugworm mounds

1 comment:

  1. you sound like you are having a great adventure.
    Great pictures. I am saving them & will make a movie out them come November. So that is what you are getting for christmas. Stay safe Love Mum
